How to overcome nervousness during an interview or others

Nervousness is a natural feeling. Sometimes people call this feeling was excited, anxious, nervous, panic and so on. But that was the condition was, people are nervous usually feel was excited (fast heart beat), trembling, sweating, and hands to be cold all of a sudden. Even my own when I'm nervous I felt like pee. The response of each person is different sometimes when they're nervous. And what about you, what you feel when you're nervous?

Each person may have experienced the feeling of nervousness. Regardless of age, include was a small child, adolescent or adult child. A small child may feel nervous when they send for future teachers to answer or the like. A teenager was nervous when they meet with people that they will respect him, fear or even the person they like. Parents sometimes feel anxious when their children come home late. Everyone may feel nervous, and even the reason them nervous is not same for everyone.

Why do people get nervous?

Many things or reasons that can because people to feel jittery or nervous. Here are some examples that can cause people to feel nervous.

Feeling scared, for example, when someone knocked on the door of your house at night and you do not know the person.

  • Interview of work, often cause people to feel nervous. People who will be interviewed sometimes worry that he would do or say stupid things that could lead to him not received or feel embarrassed.

  • Worrying about others, worrying about other people sometimes make us feel uneasy or uncertain.

  • Unpreparedness, unpreparedness will do anything it can also cause feelings of anxiety or nervousness. For example, when you want to be a speaker in a classroom discussion, and you have not mastered the material. It also can make you nervous.

  • Etc. There are still many other things that can cause a person to feel nervous, was excited, anxious or worried.

How to overcome nervousness

Everyone has a different way to overcome nervousness or anxiety. Sometimes there is an equal and some are not. Some way down maybe you can try to overcome your nervousness.

  • Pray. Praying is the first thing you should do. It is a routine that is often overlooked by some people. Praying to God is the answer to every problem of life.

  • Preparing. Unpreparedness is very common, and often this is one of the things that can cause a person to feel nervous. For example, when you make a presentation, but you have not mastered the material presentation. Then you are a natural thing if you feel nervous, you cannot be afraid to speak in front of the audience because you do not understand the material. Or also you are nervous about the question from the audience, and then you cannot answer it. To overcome nervous because things like only one solution, you have to prepare all. You have to prepare the material and master it.

  • Create a plan. It is true that not all things that are planned to be managed well or perfectly. But sometimes planning makes you stay on track, add your confidence and so on. For example, when you want to go on vacation to a place, you have to make a plan about a lot of things. What would you take it later, people who will go on holiday with you, where would you go on vacation (any location that will be your destination), exactly when you will be away on vacation, how you are going to place your holiday, how much it costs you need and so on. Planning does not always succeed, but it never hurts to watch. It could be planning for your own benefit members or people who are with you.

  • Refreshing. Sometimes fatigue or exhaustion makes you forget, or lose all that you have a plan. Too loud to yourself to prepare something, sometimes it causes you to forget everything when it is needed (D-Day). It happens because you are too tired. People often express these feelings like this "blank". Therefore do refreshing to recover your fatigue.

  • Positive thinking. Think positive, trust yourself. Do not feel inferior or anything. Think was positive with all that is in front of you, rest assured God will always help you. If you do not refuse to think positively, then it may actually worsen your nervousness. Make everything you want to mess etc. So, you have to keep positive thinking.

  • Breathe in slowly, and release slowly.

  • etc.